Every defeat, every heartbreak, every single loss contains its own seed. It's a lesson on how to improve the performance of ourselves for next time." — Malcolm X Whether you're looking to enhance your career, improve your stu...
"Nothing is wrong at all with the comforts that we have in today's life... But what if I told you that this very comfort is what's holding you back from your true potential?" - Rasean Hyligar Are you stuck in …
"Persistence is necessary for success. You need it. I cannot stress it enough how much you need it, because in life you can either thrive or you can survive, but you cannot do both. - Rasean Hyligar" Ever heard of …
"You can either thrive or survive, but you can't do both" - Rasean Hyligar Hey there! Ready to discover some game-changing secrets that can transform your everyday challenges into victories? Today, we're not just talking abou...
"Time is the one resource in life we cannot get back, no matter how hard we try. If you spend $20 and you work for $20 an hour, you work for 1 hour, you got the $20 back, but you're …
"It's not about the big picture, it's about celebrating the small wins. Over time, you will start seeing some change. - Rasean Hyligar" If you're feeling stuck in the same spot, constantly held back by the fear of failure, th...
"The plan is only as good as the effort that you put into it. If you put in 20%, you're going to get out 20%. If you put in 100% effort and really, really try this for a considerable length …
Do you want to see improved goal-setting and consistent action for growth? Ready to up your game and achieve epic results in your pursuits? I've got the secret sauce to help you step up your ambition and set goals that …
If you're feeling like you can't seem to concentrate no matter how hard you try, and those pesky distractions just keep pulling you away, then you are not alone! It's like trying to have a deep conversation with someone at …
"Instead of spending 3 hours on Instagram, you can spend an hour learning about the basics of woodworking. Spend 30 minutes to go run to the store, grab some hardwood, and then the next hour and a half just hammering …
Don't succumb to shiny object syndrome. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, then you change it. Otherwise, just keep working with it until it don't work no more. - Rasean Hyligar If you're feeling frustrated and overwhelmed …
Use biofeedback and technological integration. Listen to your body, offload tasks onto your devices, and free up your headspace for what's most important. - Rasean Hyligar Feeling lost in the self-improvement journey? Join me as I delve into the...
Sloppy success beats perfect mediocrity every time. - Addressing perfectionism and the importance of taking action over seeking perfection. Does this sound familiar? You set out to accomplish a task or reach a goal, only to find yourself putting i...
Humans are creatures of habit. You want to be able to get into the habit of once I sit here, that means I am going to get to work. - Rasean Hyligar Do you want to reignite your passion and …
Everything needs to have a due date, no matter what it is. In my personal system, everything needs to have a due date. This helps to create a sense of urgency and helps you to stay on track for those …
Clear goals can help motivate you to stay on track. You need to have a crystal clear why. If you don't have a crystal clear why, how in the world are you going to stick to it when the going …
Quote Seek understanding, not agreement. Even if you don't agree with someone, at least make an effort to understand where they're coming from and respect their perspective. - Rasean Hyligar If you're feeling overwhelmed and ...
Elevate Your Professional Relationships and Achieve More
Be the best version of yourself because people will be able to tell when you're being fake. If you're genuinely yourself, people who like you will resonate with you. - Rasean Hyligar Rasean Hyligar, the host of Motivate Grind...
Hey there! So, in this episode of the Motivate Grind Succeed podcast, host Rasean Hyligar dives into the world of public speaking and gives you some seriously valuable insights and tips to up your game. Rasean knows firsthand...
Prioritize depth over breadth. A shallow acquaintance knows about you, but a deep friend knows you. - Rasean Hyligar In a world where technology promised to bring us closer, Rasean Hyligar's story takes an unexpected turn. Gr...
Delve into the intricate dynamics of conflict resolution and how forgiveness is the cornerstone of moving forward
Small talk is not just about talking. The goal is to use it as a bridge to create an opportunity for a genuine connection. - Rasean Hyligar Step into a world where mundane chit-chat becomes a golden bridge, a gateway …
Be genuinely interested in the person you're talking to and actively listen. This shows curiosity and creates a comfortable space for sharing thoughts and experiences. - Rasean Hyligar Have you ever heard the myths that silen...