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Nov. 6, 2023

128 - Elevate Your Networking Game: How to Offer Value Beyond the Handshake

128 - Elevate Your Networking Game: How to Offer Value Beyond the Handshake
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Motivate Grind Succeed: The Podcast

Be the best version of yourself because people will be able to tell when you're being fake. If you're genuinely yourself, people who like you will resonate with you. - Rasean Hyligar

Rasean Hyligar, the host of Motivate Grind Succeed: The Podcast, has a story that many professionals can relate to. Like many others, he used to view networking as a tedious and uninteresting task. But all that changed when he discovered the power of offering value in networking. It was a game-changer for him. Rasean realized that networking wasn't just about acting interested in everyone at parties or making small talk. It was about making a genuine connection and providing something of value to others. He learned that by seeking to give, he could make a lasting impression on people and open doors to new opportunities. Rasean's own experiences taught him the importance of being genuine and staying true to oneself. He discovered that being the best version of oneself is far more impactful than trying to copy someone else's success and through diversifying his circle and attending events with a purpose, Rasean expanded his network and created meaningful relationships with professionals from various fields. Now, Rasean is on a mission to share these valuable insights with his listeners. By offering practical tips and strategies, he aims to help professionals enhance their networking skills, strengthen their relationships, and ultimately succeed in their careers.


Thrive or can't do both.