Oct. 11, 2024

Consistency Unleashed: The Seinfeld Strategy for Building Unbreakable Habits

Have you ever felt like you're constantly chasing after your goals, but never quite reaching them? You're not alone. Many high achievers struggle with consistency, that elusive quality that separates those who dream from those who achieve. But what if I told you that there's a simple mindset shift that could transform your approach to consistency and help you build life-changing habits?

Let's dive into a powerful strategy that can revolutionize the way you approach your goals and make consistency feel effortless.


The Seinfeld Strategy: Don't Break the Chain

Picture this: A young comic meets Jerry Seinfeld and asks for advice on becoming a better comedian. Instead of offering complex techniques or secret formulas, Seinfeld shares a surprisingly simple strategy:

Get a big wall calendar that has a whole year on one page and hang it on a prominent wall. The next step was to get a big red magic marker. He said, for each day that I do my task of writing, I get to put a big red x over that day. After a few days, you'll have a chain. Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You'll like seeing that chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job is to not break the chain.

This strategy, now known as the Seinfeld Strategy, is brilliantly simple yet incredibly powerful. It shifts your focus from results to consistency, eliminating the need for motivation or perfection. Your only job? Don't break the chain.


The Law of 100: Your Blueprint for Consistency

Now, let's take this concept a step further with the "Law of 100." Here's how it works:

  • Choose your habit: Pick one habit you want to build. It could be waking up at 5 AM, exercising daily, or writing for an hour.
  • Commit for 100 days: That's just over three months. It's long enough to see real change, but not so long that it feels overwhelming.
  • Adjust your schedule: Make the necessary changes to accommodate your new habit. This might mean going to bed earlier or rearranging your daily routine.
  • Disappear and focus: For these 100 days, prioritize your goal above all else. Limit distractions and be prepared to make sacrifices. Treat it kind of like a baby version of the 75Hard challenge.
  • Mark your progress: Use a physical calendar to mark off each day you complete your habit. Remember, your job is not to break the chain.


The Power of Consistency Over Talent

Here's a truth that many people overlook: consistency trumps talent every time. Someone who consistently works towards their goal will outperform a naturally talented individual who doesn't put in the effort.

Think about it this way: Let's say you work in sales. If the best salesperson in your company makes 50 calls a day, making 50 calls yourself won't make you better than them. At the very best, you'll only match them in performance. You need to exceed their effort. Make 60, 70, or even 100 calls. It's not about matching the best; it's about surpassing them through sheer consistency and determination.


Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone

Part of being consistent is understanding that failure is not the end – it's a crucial part of the journey. Each "failure" is actually an opportunity to learn, adjust, and improve. This is the concept of "failing fast":

  • Try something new
  • Analyze the results
  • Tweak your approach
  • Repeat

Over time, this process creates momentum, leading to exponential growth and success.


The Emotional Why: Your Fuel for Consistency

Consistency becomes effortless when you have a strong emotional connection to your goal. This is what I call your "emotional why." It's the driving force that pulls you towards your goal, even on days when you don't feel motivated.

Ask yourself:

  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • How will achieving it change my life?
  • Who will benefit from my success?

When you have a powerful emotional why, you don't need to force yourself to take action. The desire to achieve your goal becomes a magnetic force, pulling you forward naturally.


Creating New Neural Pathways

As you consistently work towards your goal, something amazing happens in your brain. Through neuroplasticity, you create new neural pathways. The more you repeat an action, the stronger these pathways become. Eventually, your new habit becomes second nature – it's just part of who you are.








Your Action Plan for Unbreakable Consistency

Ready to transform your approach to consistency? Here's your FREE action plan:

  • Choose your goal: Pick one habit or goal to focus on for the next 100 days.
  • Find your emotional why: Dig deep and connect with the reasons this goal matters to you.
  • Set up your calendar: Get a physical calendar and a red marker. Hang it somewhere you'll see it every day.
  • Start your chain: Begin your habit today and mark off your first X.
  • Protect your progress: Be prepared to say no to distractions and prioritize your goal.
  • Reflect and adjust: At the end of each week, reflect on your progress and make any necessary adjustments.


Remember, your only job is to not break the chain. Focus on consistency, and the results will follow.

Are you ready to unlock the power of consistency and achieve your goals with confidence and ease? Start your 100-day journey today, and watch as you transform not just your habits, but your entire approach to success.